Wednesday, January 21, 2009


And I said to the stars
'Hush! twinkle not so loud
For it is time for the dew to bloom
Upon the flower's honey'd lips'

So the stars sprinkled their glow
Upon the softened sleeping night
And fell into my dreams
To sing their song, clear and bright

Many a night have I seen
Still, the silence beckons me close
For in it I found true wonder
And peace without repose...

Upon the sands one night I slept
And the tides of my hearts arose
To meet the sea as the starlight wept
And to kiss the wind as it rose

And as the wave nibbled at my feet
And the wind brushed my hair
I felt a void, a choking loneliness
That laid my soul bare

'Why', I asked my feathered kin
My brother of freedom and flight
'Do I sense the weight of the quiet
And the awnings of the night?'

'I am free', said the wind
'In lightless caves and rustling trees
In unfettered gales and mellow breeze
From breath to sky, I move with ease'

And so I asked my friend
Nature's heart that beat silent
'Why do I feel like a shell
Like an empty echo's haunt?'

'I am forever', said the sea
'In my womb I carry life
In my swell I bear mysery
And upon my waves, eternity'

My query burned unanswered
Through all that was quiet within
'Pon the sands that night I slept
Bereft of friend or kin

In vain I looked to my empty self
My wanderings came to naught
I was doomed to live alone, but not free
For I knew not what I sought

Neither end did I see to this dark within
Nor merciful respite
But the lamp of hope glowed softly on
Against doubt's tiresome spite

One night, when the starlit sky shone bright
And all was dark within
Your footsteps murmured on the sand
Like ether's pulse awakened

With every step you routed distance
Until nearness was all I knew
And then you knelt by my side
To give me life anew

All it took was a touch
To set free my ragged soul
All it took was a smile
To make my being whole

The sea was now within me
And in my breath, the breeze
Space was a drop within my soul
In my silence, time would freeze

All it took was a touch and a smile
To find you within me
As you walked into the night, I knew
You were all that I would see

'Tis love that whispers silent tunes
That cross the seas and sylphlike dunes
'Tis love that weaves unspoken words
Into vibrant dreams and mellow hues

'Tis for love alone that the twain do meet
The raging heart and the soul aflow
'Tis love that pines then soars with joy
Like a burning fire aglow