Tuesday, June 19, 2007


(5070 A.d.) Encyclopedia Galactica: 'GEEK': A geek was an intermediary species, said to exist between the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. They were the transition between homo sapiens and the homo-technologius of today.

Everyday, the world is squeezed into smaller proportions by man's inventive genius and his desire to reach out, to know, and to be constantly entertained. We have learnt to satiate this desire so extensively, that the-world-as-it-used-to-be is being replaced by an 'amplified, extended' world, faster than we can ever realise. To put it like you'd understand it, the future has arrived, while the present is still putting on its boots to leave.

And the future has brought with it, the 'geek', a whole new species and a general demographic community that's spread all over the electronic world; a race that smashes the nerd and the cool dude together and binds them in floor-sweeping jeans and spiked hair, with a pair of bass pumping earphones.

'Technology is fun', could be his mantra, as he jerks along, gyrating to his music, and replacing the old gadget (time has got nothing to do with this. any new release makes the previous one obsolete) with the latest gizmo to hit the stores. Gadgets are his marbles, that he buys, trades, toys with, replaces, swaps and loses.

If you're not a geek, then you're bound to look at the guy's fancy fingerwork - as he clicks, uploads, messages, calls and mails in 10 seconds flat - as something akin to magic. This is very much like how early man looked at the first guy who learnt to use a sharp rock. And as he reels out the configurations of his latest laptop, the processing speed of his palmtop and the networking capabilities of his GPRS enabled, EDGE, HSDPS AND WiFi packed cellphone, all you do is look at him, wondering whether he's saying that it's a good gadget or swearing backwards in swahili really fast.

But there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is, the number of these new age marbles, is on the rise. you'll soon have a gadget for everything that actually looks cool, while it does its job. Even if its a back scratcher, it'll have the usual metallic carbon finish and will be signed by a cricketer. So if you think you can survive by staying away from them, you're probably right, but you'll still be living behind times, and that's no fun, most of the time. Bottomline, if you're not atleast partly a geek, you'll soon be a nobody.

But here's the good news; The geeks, as a separate species is going extinct. ['Probably the only mass species extinction that has nothing to do with global warming. ' - Encyclopedia galactica]. Humans have always moulded themselves to closely resemble the coolest dude. Basically that's what Darwin was trying to say in his huge pillow of a book. And today the coolest dude is the 'geek', and that's where humanity is headed, egged on by their need for faster internet, better pictures and more words. So before you know it, we're going to be called 'geeks' as a species. And then we'll start wearing technology inside us, instead of all over.

For now though, adopting 'geekism' is not actually a difficult thing, nor do you have to stop being your radical, down-to-earth, non-technical, I-hate-computers-but-I'm-still-successful self. It just takes a little bit of curiosity about how the things that work for you actually work. Oh, and you can check out my blog.

1 comment:

angelofdusk said...

i second
i third
i fourth
i fifth
i one millionth
your thought!!!!!!!!!!!