Monday, October 8, 2012

For You, To Your Star

I bring you songs
Long forgotten
That are sung by the leaves, 
the grass and shriveled tree
And by the dew and the dark
In stone-womb caves.

I bring you the rhythm of the earth
The slow, long boom 
That roars, echoes and whispers
from deep within, in my heart.

Of a hundred different suns,
(Some that awoke long before time was birthed,
and some that are tiny, gleaming jewels 
In the everlasting dream of the universe,)
I bring you sunsets
That meld into the horizon 
The colors of woven dream
And until the dying moments of twilight,
Last forever

I bring you tales and stories and myths
Of dead kings, lost Gods and magic
Tales as old as stone and wind and sea
Tales that time births, spins, sets aglow
And swallows in the end
Tales that, like the call of the waves
and the dance of day and night
return forevermore

I bring you silence
From the heart of sound
From the eternal moment between words
The instant before the twinkle
Of a smile in the eyes

I bring you all these
And I cast them up into the sky
To the star that bears your name

When night falls, slow and deep
Look to your star
And it will sing you forgotten songs
To the rhythm of all earths, all worlds
It will unfurl old yarns, and show glimpses
of the hues of sunsets 
That were, are and will be
In its silent, white heart

1 comment:

Pavitra said...

This is beautiful...every word, every phrase. When it comes to words, you Vikrama weave magic and it leaves its traces forever..