Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dreams of Flight

The wind buttresses my fingertips
They play a medley of notes in the air,
Tap at the invisible membrane of reality
In nonchalant joy

I look down and I cannot see the ground.
There are no brown-green crumbs
Scattered below.
No crooked silver lines,
Cutting impossibly straight
Man-made incisions
Into meaningless grammar.

All around me is blue.
And white.
Blue and white melded so inseparably
That I see them both as one.
Blue is white
White is blue.

All around me is emptiness.
Emptiness that is filled
With blue and white.

I look for the sun.
And then from below me,
In the far distance, to a side,
I see clouds.

I know I made them.
I made them so I could find the sun.
To find the sun I had to look for it.
To look for it, I had to hide it.
And so I made the clouds.

I looked for the sun I hid in the clouds
The clouds were pierced by yellow light
And my blue white sky was simple no more
It was indescribable. Inexplicable.

I strain harder, arch my neck forward
The wind lilts lost melodies in my ears
It carries whispers of other times
Other 'me's

I strain harder, arch my back and twist
I want to fly around the cloud
Look behind the cloud, my cloud
Find the sun. My sun.

I find the sun
And wake up the dawn
My dream ends
The wind dies
The sky fades

Swirling through whorling grey cumulous clouds
Plunging into its dark dew-and-dust heart
I swallowed a pearl of white light that burst into
A thousand and eight threads of gossamer shards

I rose up through countless wayward kisses moist
Each kiss held one life fulfilled,death asleep coiled
I rose like a bead of blue lightning from a brow
That frowned dark and deep in unceasing pond'rous toil

The wind stole the kisses, it wiped them away
And wrapped me in shrouds of cold sky in their stead
It wailed and it laughed and it shuddered in dread
And it threw me into another bright day

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