Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Candle

A candle screams its yellow silence
And intermittent rasps
Into the smothering distance
In hapless flickering gasps

It offers its being to the flame
The flame flicks it into the sky
And in darkness, wilting, diminished
The candle wonders why

The flame unhinges grotesqueries
Upon its waxen skin
And cackles, 'this is you! This is you!
This is what you are within!'

Molten hate coalesces
Above a scooped out head
And drips down in spines of curdled whines
of death knell spawned dread

The candle wept hot anger at fate
The tears hissed at the wood
It screamed and the flame's naked dance
For a moment, suspended, stood

The candle thought, 'the battles I've fought
Have not brought wisdom nigh.'
The flame burns hot, but I seek the dark
Dare I ask, Who am I?'

The candle stood silent, stark
Grey-blue curves twisted and flexed
Time watched noiselessly in the dark
And the flame became a spark

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